Modellierung & TEI II

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Mark Hall

Wintersemester 2018/19

Grobstruktur des Textes

Vorspann (engl.front matter)Enthält alle dem Kerntext vorangestellten Texte (Überschriften, Titelseite, Vorworte, Widmungen, usw.) zu Beginn eines Dokuments.
Kerntext (engl.main matter oder text body)Enthält den gesamten, eigenständigen Text, außer Vorspann und Nachspann.
Nachspann (engl.back matter)Enthält Anhänge jeglicher Art, die auf den Hauptteil eines Textes folgen.

Strukturelle Elemente

Generische Elemente

  • <div>
  • <head>
  • <p>
  • <list>
  • <item>
  • <figure>
  • <seg>
  • <q>
  • <quote>
  • ...
  <div type="part" n="1">
    <div type="chapter" n="1">
    <div type="chapter" n="2">
  <div type="part" n="2">
    <div type="chapter" n="1">
  <head>SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 19</head>
  <p>Serbs seized more territory in this struggling new country today as
  the United States Air Force ended a two-day airlift of humanitarian
  aid into the capital, Sarajevo.</p>
  <item>across from</item>
  <item>adjacent to</item>


  • <pb>
  • <cb>
  • <lb>
<p>She was thus ruminating, when a Gentleman enter'd the Room, the
  Door being a jar [...] calling for a Candle, she beg'd a thousand
  Pardons, engaged him to sit down, and let her know, what had so long
  conceal'd him from her Correspondence.
<pb n="5"/>
<p>Dear Galecia, said he, though you partly know the <lb/>loose, or rather
  lewd Life that I led in my Youth; yet I <lb/>can't forbear relating part of
  it to you by way of <lb/>Abhorrence...</p>
<pb n="37"/>



  • <opener>
  • <closer>
  • <byline>
  • <dateline>
  • <salute>
  • <signed>
<div type="story">
  <head type="main">Eight Premier League managers accused of taking transfer
  <head type="sub">'Corruption is just staring you in the face': FA under
    fire as football agents are filmed boasting about the leading bosses they had paid</head>
  <byline>By George Jones</byline>
  <p>Eight current and former Premier League managers stand accused ...</p>
<div type="letter" n="14">
  <head>Letter XIV: Miss Clarissa Harlowe to Miss Howe</head>
    <dateline>Thursday evening, March 2.</dateline>
  <p>On Hannah's depositing my long letter ...</p>
  <p>An interruption obliges me to conclude myself
    in some hurry, as well as fright, what I must ever be,</p>
    <salute>Yours more than my own,</salute>
    <signed>Clarissa Harlowe</signed>



  • <lg>
  • <l>
  <l>Sire Thopas was a doghty swayn;</l>
  <l>White was his face as payndemayn,</l>
  <l>His lippes rede as rose;</l>
  <l>His rode is lyk scarlet in grayn,</l>
  <l>And I yow telle in good certayn,</l>
  <l>He hadde a semely nose.</l>
  <l>His heer, his ber was lyk saffroun,</l>
  <l>That to his girdel raughte adoun;</l>



  • <set>
  • <prologe>
  • <epilogue>
  • <castList>
  • <castItem>
  • <sp>
  • <speaker>
  • <stage>
    <head>Death of a Salesman</head>
    <p>A New Play by Arthur Miller</p>
    <p>Staged by Elia Kazan</p>
        <role>Willy Loman</role>
        <actor>Lee J. Cobb</actor>
    <p>The setting and lighting were designed by
    <name>Jo Mielziner</name>.</p>
      <role xml:id="lm">Lady Macbeth</role>
      <role xml:id="g1">First Gentleman</role>
  <sp who="#g1">
    <p>Neither to you, nor any one; having no witness
    to confirm my speech. <move who="#lm" type="enter" where="C"/>
    Lo you! here she comes. This is her very guise; and,
    upon my life, fast asleep.</p>

Gesprochene Sprache

  • <recording>
  • <equipment>
  • <broadcast>
  • <u>
  • <vocal>
  • <pause>
  • <kinesic>
  • <incident>
  • <shift>
<u who="#jan">This is just delicious</u>
  <desc>telephone rings</desc>
<u who="#ann">I'll get it</u>
<u who="#tom">I used to
  smoke a lot



  • <entry>
  • <form>
  • <orth>
  • <pron>
  • <sense>
  • <def>
    <def>cry of an ass; sound of a trumpet.</def>
    <def>make a cry or sound of this kind.</def>



  • <preface>
  • <ack>
  • <dedication>
  • <abstract>
  • <titlePage>
  • <docTitle>
Scan der Titelseite des Werkes Briefe aus Paris von Karl Gutzkow
      <titlePart type="main">Briefe aus Paris</titlePart>
    <docAuthor>Karl Gutzkow</docAuthor>
      <titlePart type="sub">Erster Theil.</titlePart>



  <div type="appendix">
    <head>The Golden Dream or, the Ingenuous Confession</head>
    <p>To shew the Depravity of human Nature ...</p>
  <div type="epistle">
    <head>A letter from the Printer, which he desires may be inserted</head>
    <p>I have done with your Copy, so you may return it to the Vatican, if you please </p>
  <div type="advert">
    <head>The Books usually read by the Scholars of Mrs Two-Shoes are these and are sold at Mr
      Newbery's at the Bible and Sun in St Paul's Church-yard.</head>
      <item n="1">The Christmas Box, Price 1d.</item>
      <item n="2">The History of Giles Gingerbread, 1d.</item>
      <item n="42">A Curious Collection of Travels, selected from the Writers of all Nations,
        10 Vol, Pr. bound 1l.</item>

  <div type="advert">
    <head><hi rend="center">By the KING's Royal Patent,</hi> Are sold by J. NEWBERY,
      at the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church-Yard.
      <item n="1">Dr. James's Powders for Fevers, the Small-Pox, Measles, Colds, &amp;c.
        2s. 6d</item>
        <item n="2">Dr. Hooper's Female Pills, 1s.</item>




  • <gap>
  • <unclear>
  • <add>
  • <del>
  • <subst>
<p>Then she <gap reason="overwriting illegible" extent="several characters"/> off</p>
<p>Then she <unclear reason="ink blot">walked</unclear> off</p>
Image demonstrating deleted and added text
<p>There seems to be no-one around the phone box.</p>
<p>There seem<del>e</del>s to be no-one around the phone box.</p>
<p>There seem<del rend="crossout">e</del>s to be no-one around the phone box.</p>
<p>There seem<del rend="crossout">e</del>s to be no-one around
  <add> the phone box</add>.

<p>There seem<del rend="crossout">e</del>s to be no-one around
  <add place="above"> the phone box</add>.

Image demonstrating error correction on a typewriter
<p>the people.
    <del rend="overstrike">Many</del>
    <add place="above">A large number</add>
  of those attending his Requiem Mass would have been moved as much by a sense of
  personal loss as by simple duty or the desire to assist at a great ...

Image demonstrating a sequence of substitutions
<p>One must have lived longer with
    <del seq="1">this</del>
    <add seq="2">such a</add>
    <del seq="3">such a</del>
    <add seq="4">a</add>
  system, to appreciate its advantages.</p>

Image demonstrating a sequence of substitutions
<p>One must have lived longer with
    <del seq="1">this</del>
    <del seq="3">
      <add seq="2">such a</add>
    <add seq="4">a</add>
  system, to appreciate its advantages.</p>



  • Burnard, L. (2014). What is the Text Encoding Initiative? How to add intelligent markup to digital resources. Marseille: OpenEdition Press.doi:10.4000/books.oep.426
